About South Carolina
Asphalt Pavement Association
On November 2, 1966, ten forward thinking and responsible asphalt plant mix producers came together and petitioned O. Frank Thorton, then Secretary of State for South Carolina, for an eleemosynary corporation charter in the name of the South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association.
Registration Open:
Spring Member Dinner
Join the SCAPA Board of Directors and fellow members for Spring Member Dinner & Legislative Day
April 22-23, 2025 in Columbia. Registration and hotel reservations are open!
Our Mission
To protect, promote and advance the progress, interest and welfare of the producers of plant mixed asphalt paving materials; To encourage the highest standards of business ethics and workmanship; To encourage the discussion, coordination and pursuit of solutions to problems of common interest and concern to the producers of plant mixed asphalt paving materials; and To foster a cooperative spirit and understanding between the producers of plant mixed asphalt paving mixtures and industry partners.